Friday, April 15, 2011

Chapter 7-Life After The Ceremony

The next day, Alexis wished to group up with her friend Buzz. She invited him over.


Buzz hung out with Tony, and watched TV while Alexis decided to eat rancid macaroni and cheese.




Buzz hung out for a few hours, but wore out his welcome when he started flirting with the newly married Alexis. Tony now dislikes Buzz, I don't think we will see him again for a while.


Got a nice close up of Tony, he is so sexy :)


24 hours after the wedding night, Alexis wasn't showing pregnancy symptoms, so in order to grant Alexis' "have a baby" wish...


With only 2 sims, this house is already too small. Alexis rolled a wish to buy something for $250 so they upgraded their small TV, traded in thier 2 ugly blue chairs for a nice white love seat. They also made the living room itself a little bigger.


Tony wanted a chess table, he is all of a sudden interested in gaining logic skill.


Alexis started rolling logic related wishes as well. There is going to be some super smart sims living here soon!


Alexis isn't feeling so well, she isn't sure why. Hmmm...?


At least she cleans up after herself!


The kitchen was looking pretty outdated, so they remodeled. Alexis was going for a 'Mexican Cantina' look.


Tony keeps rolling wishes for more stuff. He wants a dryer and telescope, Alexis also wants a dryer. There is no room in this house for a laundry room (or anything else!), so they are expanding. They can't afford a bigger house just yet, so slowly, they are building an upstairs floor.


Guess who is expecting? Alexis literally dropped the trash on the floor when she found out!


Poor Alexis has bad morning sickness. She is always sick, tired and hungry.


Stay tuned for the birth of Moretti baby #1!

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