Friday, April 15, 2011

Chapter 8- "Beautiful"

Pregnancy seemed to go by pretty smoothly for Alexis. Although, I think it was messing with her mind. She was acting very odd, like walking around outside completely nude!


Alexis and Tony were getting along really well. Every chance they had, they would flirt, and hug.



They were inseparable :)


Alexis got so big, that she didn't want to do much of anything anymore. A neat sim not wanting to clean or even bathe? She was too uncomfortable.


That night, Alexis woke up with contractions. The baby was coming! Alexis wanted a boy, and Tony was hoping for a girl.


Alexis and Tony named their first child Bella, Italian for "Beautiful".


Bella was born with the Good trait, and she was chosen to have the Friendly trait as well.

Alexis was in heaven. She loved little Bella with all her heart, but she still wanted more. She rolled another wish to have another child, almost immediately.


Tony wasn't complaining either! He spent a lot of time caring for Bella. Any time Alexis wanted to work on her writing, Tony was there to care for Bella.


What a good Daddy!


**Story suspended until I can fix the baby glitch**

1 comment:

  1. I had that nude thing happen to me in the first generation of my first wishacy but there was no hashing so you could see everything :/ Hope you get the baby glitch sorted!!
