Friday, April 29, 2011

Gen 2- Chapter 2

Even after we had such a horrible time at my house, Timmothy invited me to his house. I rode the bus home with him and we had a little more time to chat. He is actually kind of growing on me. I wanted to become friends with him.


Once I saw his huge mansion, I knew that Timmothy was rich. I have never met a rich person before, it was kind of cool. I don't even think his parents knew that I was there, but Timmothy and I hung out outside for a while and just chatted. I got to know him pretty well. He is now a really good friend of mine.


The next day, I heard that Timmothy had a birthday. He graduated high school and got a job in the military. I will miss seeing him at school everyday, but he told me that we can still hang out sometimes.

On Brando's birthday, we got robbed. I am still really shaken up about it. Someone just walked into our house and took our computer! I love that computer! What am I going to do now? Watch TV all day? Yeah probably...


I think that the robbery shook Brando up too, because as soon as he had his birthday he moved out. This is according to Zia because I was asleep. That jerk left without even saying goodbye! How could Brando do that? How could he leave without so much as a hug for his *favorite* sister? I swear, next time I see him I will have some not-so-nice words for him!!

Zia says that Brando became Family Oriented. I am sure he will marry some beautiful woman, I mean have you seen my brother? He's very handsome. He will probably have a ton of kids and forget all about his family...


I didn't last long before calling up Timmothy and having him come over. I wanted to know all about life after high school. We hung out all afternoon and he told me stories about his job. Then Dad announced that he was retiring.


Timmothy helped celebrate my dads retirement, even though he didn't know Dad at all. He even threw confetti on him.


My mom really likes Tim. She even tried flirting with him before he left! He got upset and left. I am so irritated with my mother. She will be lucky if I don't tell my dad what she did!

Angelica aged up and I knew what was soon to come. She would be moving out too. I was excited to be getting my own room. I am not extremely close with Angelica. We only shared a room since Bella left. I will miss having a full house all the time though. I did say goodbye to her though, it was sad but I know it's for the best. I am sure we will see her again soon, Ang is really close with Dad.



After Angelica left, Mom asked me if I wanted to make over my bedroom. Of course I said yes! I painted the walls green (my FAVORITE color) and I got to buy some new furniture. I even got my very own computer (which everyone in the house always wants to use)! Giovanni says it looks like a leprechaun threw up, but I adore it. Who doesn't like leprechauns?


Not long after Ang moved out, I found out through the grapevine that she was dating Timmothy. I am sad because I feel like I am going to lose my friend, but happy too because Tim is a great guy, and I know Angelica will be happy with him.

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