Friday, April 15, 2011

Chapter 9- "Fiery Torch"

Alexis had rolled a wish to have another baby. Bella was still a toddler, but Alexis couldn't help it. She wanted a large family, and it was time to start on baby #2.


Tony was hoping for another girl, and Alexis didn't care either way. She just wanted a baby. It was the middle of the night when Alexis realized her clothes didn't fit anymore, and she needed maternity wear!


While Alexis was pregnant, Tony taught Bella how to walk...


The nursery was finally finished. It was upstairs, and very large.


Alexis was going to the nursey to play with Bella, and she suddenly went into labor! This time, Tony freaked out. He wasn't sure wheather to take Alexis to the hospital, or let her deliver at home.


Alexis delivered a healthy baby boy at home. Alexis named him Brando, as it meant 'Fiery Torch' in Italian (can you see a theme here?). He was born with "Loves the outdoors" and "Genius" traits.


Alexis and Tony were so proud! Alexis seemed to always be upstairs caring for the children.



Then Alexis rolled another wish to have another baby. Brando was only a day old. That didn't stop Alexis from fulfilling that wish.


The next day, the maternity clothes came out again.


Money was getting sparse, along with sanity. Every waking hour revolved around caring for Bella and Brando. Alexis didn't have time to write (the biggest money-maker so far), and the house was a mess. All of Alexis and Tony's wishes revolved around children. The sink kept breaking and the TV also needed repairing. What would life be like with baby #3? Tony needed a pay raise, and he needed it QUICK!

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