Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Gen 3- Chapter 4

"Im going to have the baby any day now..."
"Are you happy about it?"
"Yes, and no. I am not looking forward to all of that pain but I can't wait to meet my child."


I leaned in to kiss her and she jumped up screaming. It took me a minute or two to figure out what was going on, when she yelled "Get me to the hospital, Vincent! Im in labor!"


I jumped up and took Jasmine to the hospital.


I stayed with her while she gave birth to her son, but I soon had to be at work and I left her at the hospital. She called Stanley to pick her up, which I wasn't happy about, but he is the baby's father.

I hadn't proposed just yet. I wanted to wait and make sure things with Stanley were really over. After she had the baby, I didn't hear from her for 3 days. She finally called and asked to see me. I figured maybe I would propose when I saw her. I invited her over, but when she showed up I was in awe.


She was pregnant again.

"What happened, Jasmine?? I thought things were done with you and Stanley??"
"They were... until he saw the baby. He kind of re-ignited our flame, and we are thinking of remarrying. I wanted to tell you in person, Vincent. You have been wonderful to me, and I really appreciate it. I am sorry, I know you wanted this to turn out different. "
"Are you happy?"
"Yes, I am now. I am not sure if it was the affair, or the baby, but everything seems so much better now."

I left it at that. She left shortly after, and we haven't spoken since. She went home to Stanley, and I continued working on my chess. My heart took a hit, but it wasn't broken. I knew I would find Mrs. Right eventually.



And then I met Venessa. She was one of my chess opponents. She came over, we played chess, I won and then I invited her stay longer. We watched TV and chatted a while.


I told her about the Wishacy and how I needed to have a child to carry on the family legacy.


I think it spooked her, because soon she had to leave. I walked her outside and heard my mom calling me. I said goodbye and ran upstairs to see what was wrong. As I walked into my moms room, I got smacked in the face with a pillow.



Nicole decided to try her hand at the chemistry set after I told her about all the cool stuff I made.


It didn't end as well for her.


Mom just passed away. It was so sudden, I didn't expect it at all. Aunt Zia was over, challenging me to a chess game. I don't think she expected it either.




Leave it to Nicole to ask the Grim Reaper to listen to her ghost story. (Mr. Reaper is on the computer, kind of hard to see)


**A big thanks to SRaina for creating Venessa and allowing me to use her in my story!**


  1. I wasn't expecting her to go back to her ex-husband and pregnant again. or is it that pregnant glitch people have mentioned? And I can't wait to see if Vanessa comes back.

  2. Yeah it was the glitch. He never rolled a wish to see her again lol so I just wrote it into the story.
