Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Gen 3- Chapter 2

My days are pretty much spent the same these days- I wake up, I call my next ranked chess opponent, we play chess, I shower, I go to work, I come home, and I go to bed. That's pretty much it. I like knowing what's going to happen every day. I guess I am a creature of habit.

"Vincent, I swear on everything that is Holy, if you leave one more plasma juice container on the kitchen counter I am going to KILL you!" it was Nicole.
"Mom, why did you have to give birth to such a neat freak?"
"Don't talk about your sister like that. Nicole, he can't help it, he is a slob."
"Well he could at least give it a try..."



Ugh, Nicole irks me. She thinks she is Miss Perfect and she makes me want to barf most of the time. I have the worst relationship with her out of everyone in our family, probably because we are polar opposites. I don't hate her or anything, but everything she says drives me CRAZY!

"So Vince, have you been dating anyone?" Mom asked. "You know I'd really like to see you married before I die..."
"I know Mom, and no, I haven't been dating per se. But I am interested in Glenda.."
"The paparazzi??" Dad seemed to almost explode.
"Son, let me give you a little tip. You don't date the paparazzi, you might as well be dating a stalker because that's what they are. That's ALL they are."
"Wow, you have really low standards brother." Nicole chimed in.
"Yeah, because you know ALL about dating and chemistry huh? How many boyfriends have you had now? Oh that's right, none. Be quiet now, Nicole!" I snapped.

Maybe my stupid sister was right though. I haven't kissed Glenda or anything, but I do want to become friends with her. I mean, friendship is friendship. It's not love.


I went to bed angry, and unsure about what I wanted in life. All I knew at that point was that I wanted to become a chess legend. I wasn't sure I wanted to get married, and have babies, and all that jazz. I knew I HAD to for the Moretti Wishacy's sake, but I wasn't sure what I WANTED.

The next morning I decided to try and change some components of my life. I woke, and instead of calling for another chess opponent to come over, I had breakfast and just pondered.


One thing I noticed, was that Nicole was right. The kitchen was a complete mess. There was plasma juice boxes everywhere. I started to clean up, something that I have NEVER done.


That night, I did something REALLY out of the ordinary and went to a dive bar. I ran into my Aunt Angelica (Who, by the way, is a 3 star celebrity these days). I had to basically kiss her butt all night so she would even say hi to me. After one too many drinks, we were talking like we were old buddies.


She told me to forget about what I had to do for the Wishacy, and just follow my heart. She made a good point, saying I had 700 years to live, and did I really think that in that time frame I wouldn't have any children. She was right. I am a straight, smart, family oriented man. I will find love someday, but right now in my life I am more obsessed with success than love. I am going to take her advice and follow my heart.

I LOVE to read. I spend a lot of time snuggled up in bed, with a good book.


I am working on my chess status more and more. I try to compete every day. I am already Rank 3! I have people coming in and out of my house all the time. When I am not working, I am playing chess.


I took up an interest in Handiness. I am working on upgrading 5 objects.


I bought a trampoline, no reason, just because I wanted to. I like this follow my heart stuff!


I also bought a new truck. I got tired of taking a cab. It didn't take long for Nicole to ask my mom to teach her to drive it. I wasn't thrilled with the idea of a teenager learning to drive MY new truck, but I let it slide.

Nicole had a birthday while they were driving. Mom and Nicole celebrated on the side of the road.



Yeah yeah, she's gorgeous... I know. Too bad she is such a pain in the butt.

Nicole's graduation was cool I guess. There wasn't a lot of people outside taking pictures, but she graduated with honors and got her diploma and a certificate of honors. At least she's smart.


I bought a slip n slide. Again, just because I wanted it as part of this follow my heart thing. It is a good time, but it is hard to use a slip n slide during the day if you're a vampire.


Nicole got tired of cleaning up after me (her words, not mine) so she hired a maid. Her name is Erika and *cough* well you can see for yourself...


What guy can tell me that this isn't their dream come true? Although she is working for us, so I really don't want to date her or anything, but she sure is nice to look at!

Nicole bought a hot tub. We decided to test it out as soon as it was on our lot.

"You know Nicole, maybe you aren't so bad after all..."


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