Sunday, May 29, 2011

Gen 3- Chapter 1

I have decided to pursue a career in the Music Industry. It was either Music or Fisherman... don't ask. I chose Music.

My lifetime wish is to become a Chess Master, so I spend a lot of time practicing. I thought it was time to invite over my first ranked opponent. I was excited when I realized that Giovanni is actually my mom's brother. I don't remember ever meeting him, it was nice.


Except that he beat me. I thought for sure I would win, I was in a great mood, and I had mastered the logic skill as a teenager! I didn't let it get to me though, I will get the last laugh, because I am the one who will live for hundreds of years and I am bound to be a Chess Master in that length of time.

I run into Alysia a lot, even now that we are grown. She is still a good friend of mine, but nothing more. I do enjoy spending time with her.


I fixed her TV because she asked me to. I tried to stop her from giving me the $500 in "payment" for helping a friend, but as we parted ways she must have shoved it in my back pocket. I found it later that night.

For work, I had to learn the guitar skill. I mastered it in a little over 2 hours.


I wanted more than that, I wanted a band. I went to the only person I knew who palyed- my dad. He agreed that it was be fun to start a band, we are called "The Angry Vampires" hahaha! Eh, I guess you had to be there...


The house is coming along nicely. I designed the living room myself! Dad paid for it because I am only making around $125 a day so far, but it looks nice doesn't it?



Being single isn't as bad as people make it out to be. I might be Family Oriented, but I have my whole life to have a family! I am young, and I love doing what I want when I want to.


I can play guitar in the park, go out for drinks, and watch as much TV as I want. I have no one to answer to, and so far, I like it that way.


I invited Uncle Giovanni over for a chess rematch. I had a great time, mostly because I won. It was fantastic!


(That's my CHECKMATE face)

A few days passed and I decided to challenge another opponent. Neil showed up. I knew just from seeing him that I would crush him... and I did.



After the game, my mom asked Neil to stay. I had to go to work, so I left shortly afterward. When I got home, Nicole told me what mom had done. I always knew she was a gracious hostess, but I didn't expect her to do what she did!


She flirted with Neil right in front of my dad. Dad was devastated. Dad got really mad and asked Neil to leave. He still isn't talking to my mom.

We have been so preoccupied with decorating our new house, that we completely forgot about paying the bills. I got a final notice right after I started remodeling to kitchen. We had $30 and our utility bill was $900, and we had only 1 day to come up with the money. I didn't want to undo all of my hard work on the kitchen, so I worked a little overtime, and mom offered her pension. The next day I looked at our funds, and we were $200 short and the repo man came. How embarrassing.


He took my chair from my chess table. A $100 chair to pay $900 debt? I laughed to myself and as soon as the repo man left, I bought a new chair and life was back to normal, except for the public disgrace.

**Thank you to itsjulie for providing me with the Moretti's new home**

1 comment:

  1. This will be interesting to watch I have never done the chess master ltw before!! lol @ the repo man - i have never had one so kind!!
